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New Generation Light Armoured Vehicles - Tracked [Türkiye]

Last reviewed: 10th February 2025


The Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC) has a nascent requirement for 2,962 new light armoured vehicles. Intended to fulfil a number of roles, the vehicles will be manufactured in 52 different variants under the New Generation Light Armoured Vehicle (NGLAV) programme.

Of the 2,962 vehicles required, 1,162 will consist of wheeled vehicles in both 6x6 and 8x8 configurations, while the remaining 1,800 will comprise amphibious and non-amphibious tracked platforms.

Due to the large number of vehicles required, the programme will be split into three phases, the first of which will cover the procurement of three different variants of 6x6 and 8x8 vehicles. Although an RfP was issued to several Turkish suppliers in April 2019, few details concerning this programme's cost and delivery schedule have been revealed.

Annual expenditure

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Annual units funded

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Programme value:
$6.3 billion (Modelled)
Units required:
1800 (Reported)
Award year:
Procurement - new
Kaplan 20 NG-AFV - Potential
Tulpar - Potential
Unit cost:
$3.5 million (Modelled)
75% ?

Bids and suppliers




Equipment Category
System Name
Prime FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş.
Manufacturer:FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş.
Equipment Category:Military vehicles
Equipment Category: APCs/IFVs - tracked
System Name:Kaplan 20 NG-AFV
Otokar Tulpar

Otokar Tulpar


Equipment Category
System Name
Prime Otokar
Equipment Category:Military vehicles
Equipment Category: APCs/IFVs - tracked
System Name:Tulpar

Additional Information

Programme Background


The Turkish Armed Forces have approximately 4000 wheeled and 4500 tracked APCs and IFVs in its inventory, many of which are ageing platforms such as the M113. Recognising this requirement, the Turkish Defence Industry Agency (SSM) has launched several procurement and MLU programmes since the 2010s. 

Programme Requirements

The specific variants of each type of vehicle required to fulfil the NGLAV programme have not been publicly outlined by the SSM. There are also no indications as to how many and which types of vehicles will be covered under each Phase of the programme, other than that Phase 1 will comprise three different variants of 6x6 and 8x8 vehicles.

According to Turkish media reports, the selection process will start with the testing of prototypes, which will be coordinated by an independent third party. In the second stage, SSM will conduct a review and announce the contract award.

Notably, the TLFC requires the majority of vehicles procured under this programme to be armed with a 35mm autocannon rather than the 25mm variants that are currently in use with the Turkish military.

Media reports suggest that the SSM also demanded the new tracked vehicles to have an indigenous powerpack.

Potential Competitors

At this early stage, it is also unclear which potential bidders have been provided with the RfP. However, the two Turkish companies best placed to fulfil the tracked element of the requirement would be FNSS and Otokar. Both of these OEMs have developed suitable tracked platforms, the former having its Kaplan New Generation-Armoured Fighting Vehicle (NG-AFV), the latter its Tulpar.

The selected platform is expected to be equipped with either Aselsan's Korhan or FNSS's Teber-35 turret.

Forecast Methodology

Quantity Required

The TLFC has an overall requirement for 1,800 tracked NGLAVs.

Programme Value

The projected value of this programme is yet to be disclosed. For the tracked component of the programme, it is estimated that procurement costs could amount to $6.3 billion. This has been modelled using the estimated unit cost for each tracked platform, though it is important to note that costs could vary depending on how each platform is configured.

Unit Cost

Each tracked NGLAV is forecast to cost approximately $3.5 million to procure. This estimate is based upon the estimated cost of other comparable light-tracked platforms.

Programme Timeline

The SSM has not outlined when it intends to award a contract for the NGLAV requirement. Given that an RfP for Phase 1 was issued to industry in August 2019, it is considered unlikely that a contract will be signed until after 2025.

Since tracked vehicles are not covered in Phase 1, they are expected to be procured under Phase 2 or Phase 3. As work on these phases has yet to commence, a contract for the procurement of tracked vehicles is not anticipated until after Phase 1 has been initiated.

In September 2022, reports emerged that the SSM has circulated a RfI for the tracked programme and has already received an undisclosed number of responses.

This forecast, therefore, anticipates a contract award in the late 2020s, around 2027. Assuming that there is at least a two-year lead time before the first vehicles are delivered, the first tracked vehicles procured under the NGLAV programme could be handed over in 2029.

Yearly Forecast

Since details concerning the number of vehicles to be delivered in each phase are lacking, the number of vehicles procured each year in this forecast is highly speculative.

Operating on the assumption that the first tracked vehicles covered under the NGAFV programme are delivered in 2029, this forecast projects a gradual ramping up of production to a rate of 150 vehicles each year. It also assumes that production of all 1,800 vehicles will take place in one continuous run; however, it is also possible that there will be gaps between the production of each Phase of the programme.

Using these projections, procurement of tracked vehicles under this programme is projected to end in 2042.

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